Free Class to Adam Khoo’s 6 Proven Strategies for Success & Happiness

Sponsored Article: This promotion is sponsored by Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group. For more information, please visit their official website.

If you have been looking for that one seminar/workshop that teaches you practical and applicable strategies to achieve the goals you set for yourself this year, this is one event you definitely must attend! Adam Khoo transformed himself from an underachiever and slow learner in school to one of the top students in NUS and prominent business leader today! A self-made millionaire at the age of 26 and having achieved financial freedom at age 30, his Ultimate Success Formula is formulated with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), behavioural tools and success strategies. He calls his secret success formula, THE PATTERNS OF EXCELLENCE and for the past 10 year, Adam and his team has shared with thousands of people his secrets and helped them to achieve massive breakthroughs and results in their life. You can be one of them.

Grab this chance to attend this phenomenal session that will change your life completely.

Here’s what some of our graduates achieved after attending patterns of excellence:

Crescentia Ng, Single Mother of Two (POE Graduate)

Attending POE is just about one of the best thing that has ever happened to my life. All my limiting beliefs were removed, my pains and emotional baggage from the divorce was no longer present, my goals better aligned and on the last day of the programme, I left with my heart feeling totally renewed and light. POE is a remarkable program which brings forth a fantastic process of self discoveries and rebuilding of myself. I am totally rewired and now wake up with a belief that despite having to fit two roles and the change in my family structure, I am still blessed beyond measure with my two children.
Anne Chin, CEO, Anne Chin English Dynamics Pte Ltd (POE Graduate)

After the programme, I started two new businesses in education and entrepreneurship. It has given me the courage and confidence to breakthrough my setbacks and fears.
Woo Chiat Min, Pharmacist (POE Graduate)

After my stroke, I could not talk or walk and had to go through rehabilitation at Ang Mo Kio Hospital. I was paralysed, put on a lot of weight and suffered from high blood cholesterol. After 3 years of being in this state, I thank God that one day I attended the Patterns of Excellence Introductory Seminar.