Produced by animation studio Robot Playground Media, Heartland Hubby is the latest animation original taking over our screens on Channel 5 every Wednesday 9:30pm. Already into it’s sixth episode this week, the family-themed sitcom features the adventures and misadventures of Lim Teh Peng (voice acted by veteran actor Lim Yu Beng) and his family in the HDB Heartlands of Bukit Prata.
It’s no doubt Heartland Hubby bears strong similarities to popular animated sitcoms such as The Family Guy or The Simpsons in the states, but still a much commendable effort since local animations are exceedingly rare and since it features lots of local topics and issues, though exaggerated through humor.
If you missed the earlier episodes you can still watch them online at xinmsn or Toggle, or follow their updates on their official Facebook page.