Golden Village launches Executive Zen Zones: 90-minute shut-eyes with meal & free eye mask

Gold Class recliner seats for Executives Zen Zone patrons (Photo: GV)

Turns out now you can enjoy a quick lunchtime nap in the movie theatres. That’s Golden Village (GV) latest promotion at the Suntec City cinema – Executives Zen Zone.

For a price of $12, you will get to enjoy a 90-minute snooze on a Gold Class recliner seat along with a meal from the Gold Class menu (main dish + drink), a free eye mask, and some discount vouchers. GV aims to target the lunchtime executive crowd seeking for a power nap but simply can’t find a suitable place to do so.

Executive Zen Zone is only available on weekdays Mondays to Fridays from now until 28 September 2016. There will be no movies screened during the period from 12pm to 1:30pm.

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