Plan your year-end travels with Singapore Airlines now because their latest Two-to-Go airfare deals are here again this August.
Fly to destinations worldwide with minimum two passengers including popular cities such as Bangkok from just $238, Hong Kong from $278, Bali from $298, Guangzhou from $358, Maldives from $478, Taipei from $508, Canberra from $648, Seoul from $688, Tokyo from $718, Milan from $1,138, Rome from $1,158, Frankfurt and Paris from $1,168, and more from Europe and America.
To find the two-to-go promotional airfares, find “Book by 31 Aug 2016” under the listings in Singapore Airlines latest offers. Book by end of the month of August to secure the discounted tickets, available while seats last.
Travel period varies depending on destinations with most from October till end of this year.
Book from Singapore Airlines