Toymana Biggest Toy Clearance Sale on Bandai, Doraemon, Hello Kitty, Tomica and more

Toymana is one of the largest Singapore-based online toy store retailing authentic brand toys managed by Sheng Tai Toys.

The store set up in 2013 offers a mix of international labels and products for collectors and gift-seekers to choose from, including popular brands such as Bandai, Barbie, Disney, Power Rangers, Sesame Street, Star Wars and Tomica.

The company has just launched its biggest clearance sale on Toymana starting today with markdowns up to 50% on over 800 items. Featured items include Zero Dorami & Zero Doraemon, Chogokin Hello Kitty (Mazinger Z Color), Ultraman, Tomica Rilakkuma and Disney-themed toys, Gundam action figures and much more.

Do note, however, Toymana is loading very slow due to traffic spike at the time of writing. You might want to try visiting the site at a later time if you can’t access it now.

Shop on Toymana