One Piece is one of the longest-running anime series in Japan and with over 400 million volumes in circulation worldwide, it is undisputedly the world’s most popular manga of all time, yet still attracting new fans globally 20 years after its debut.
For just one week from 16 – 22 April, 313@somerset will be hosting Singapore’s first official One Piece Pop-up Store at the atrium of the mall! Fans will be able to find an assortment of exclusive One Piece merchandise on sale.
Ossu Cosplayers
What’s more, the first 25 shoppers per day to dress up as a One Piece character during the same period can redeem an exclusive One Piece goodie bag worth over $100 at the pop-up store.
Professional One Piece cosplayers will also be making a special appearance on 20 & 21 April (Fri & Sat) at 5pm at the atrium to snap photos with fans.
Here are more One Piece x 313@somerset promotions that you might be interested:
- Grab a One Piece Treasure (16 – 22 April) – First 25 shoppers per day who spend a min of $200 can redeem an exclusive One Piece goodie bag worth more than $100.
- #313xOnePiece Uploaded (6 April – 6 May) – Spot any One Piece character around the mall and snap a picture together. Be one of 10 lucky winners to walk away with an exclusive 313 x One Piece goodie bag worth more than $150 each! Shoppers can simply follow @313somerset on Instagram and upload their picture with hashtag #313xOnePiece.
Event Details
What: Official One Piece Pop-up Store
Where: 313@somerset
When: 16 – 22 April 2018 (Monday – Sunday)