Height less than 175cm? This hotpot restaurant in Taiwan gives 1 free slice of meat for every cm shorter

Bring your short buddies along

Enjoy free slices of meat at Ai Shi Guo Hotpot Restaurant (Photo: 愛食鍋麻辣鴛鴦 Facebook & @lijhengo)

Travelling Kaohsiung or Taichung in Taiwan soon? Here’s a hotpot restaurant you probably should visit, especially if you (or your travel buddies) are really short.

That’s because Ai Shi Guo Mala Hotpot Restaurant (愛食鍋麻辣鴛鴦) has a strange way of attracting new customers – by giving away free slices of meat if their height is shorter than 175cm.

1 complimentary slice per every cm shorter.

For example, if you are 160cm tall, they will give you 15 slices of beef or pork without charging a single cent.

The promotion has since gone viral in Taiwan, drawing lots of… shorter people to their restaurants.

Here are some of them showing off their free slices of meat on Instagram.

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?愛食鍋麻辣鴛鴦 可愛的熊寶寶來台中啦✌? 終於能吃得到也拍得到? 不用去到高雄惹?? 越看越覺得癒癒級? 一整個吸引到我 當然立馬要先訂位吃一波? 優惠活動⬇️ ?凡七月壽星烏梅汁無限暢飲?? ?量身高送肉片(低於175公分 差幾公分就送幾片肉??) ✨熊熊需要事先預定呦☺️ ?天啊!身高不高的朋友超有福?趕快來吃肉肉!保證讓你滿足又飽足回家? – ?麻辣鍋底$120 & 爆濃南瓜牛奶鍋➕$99 (麻辣鴨血、豆腐、白飯無限量供應) ➡️鴛鴦鍋/P.S.?️熊?的只有南瓜牛奶&香醇牛奶才有噢‼️ ?蔬菜拼盤$198 ?鮮菇拼盤$228 ?嚴選梅花豬$498 ?鮮嫩雪花牛$598 ?滷水拼盤$458 ?豪華海鮮拼盤$798 ?綜合魚漿(花枝、蝦仁)$238 泡澡的熊兒在濃郁南瓜牛奶裡 真的好可愛❤️ 麻辣鍋底對於不敢吃辣的我真的不太敢去嘗試 但都聽人家說麻辣又香很夠味! 而另一鍋奶香厚重 不會讓人覺得膩~ 太喜歡了啦? 肉份量也超阿撒力的多?肉食性動物絕對不能錯過?肉質軟嫩紮實 一吃就上癮? 滷水拼盤一次讓你過癮?Q彈有嚼勁讓人欲罷不能…能配酒更讚? 海鮮、蔬菜、鮮菇、魚漿應有盡有 那天簡直太享受?豐富到不行 湯底美味 配料也很棒 干貝、蝦子、蛤蜊、花枝 都是我最愛~大顆肥美又新鮮? 這一頓真的好幸福?可以飽到隔天晚上? – ?台中市西屯區大墩二十街57號 ☎️(04)23102110 ?平日17:00-1:30/假日11:30-1:30 ?每桌最低消費$688 ?需酌收10%服務費 #台中美食#台中火鍋#台中#台中餐廳#台中景點#popyummy台中 #wowmolly #girlstalk美食 #b1food#tagsis #波波發胖#cchannel_tw#popdaily#食記#taichungfood #網美景點#網美集散地 #網美餐廳 #網美#taichung#cchannel美食開箱 #火鍋 #cakotaiwan#yummyfood#igfood#foodie#台灣美食#台灣#愛食鍋 #愛食鍋麻辣鴛鴦鍋

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是從高雄開上來的優質火鍋店RRR?? 跟朋友選擇了麻辣、養生牛奶湯底,麻辣湯底夠麻夠勁(對我來說啦…)鍋底的鴨血跟豆腐無限加點,好吃程度不輸鼎王,最特別的養生牛奶鍋居然有小熊牛奶冰磚,好吸睛呀,淋上大骨湯當下實在是很促瞇? ?超霸氣的肉盤簡直是肉控最愛,肉片的厚度跟長度都比一般店家來的狂,現在還有活動,點一盤肉後推一個代表出來,以帥哥老闆175為標準,差幾公分就送幾片肉,最多25片,管你是小嬰兒還是姚明,這活動根本是慈善機構,送你吃肉(單押x1)❤️❤️❤️ ?豪華海鮮拼盤送上來也是啊啊啊啊啊叫,扇貝、干貝、文蛤、蟹管肉、鮮中卷、鯛魚片(超厚的應該叫鯛魚塊!)、超鮮草蝦還是撥好殼的,吃蝦免撥殼也太貼心? ?滷水大腸也是厚切處理的無異味,上桌還熱呼呼的,丟進麻辣鍋煮94搭啊 ?丸子拼盤裡有鵝肉丸、花枝丸、香菇丸,最喜歡他們的花枝丸,裡頭吃的到整塊的花枝肉爽度破表!!! 沾醬部份除了基本的沙茶外,芝麻、和風、鮮辣、豆乳一應俱全,讓你調自己愛的口味?????? 這間份量、品質都很不錯的店家真的很適合三五好友或是家庭聚餐,不過店內座位有限,建議先電話預約比較保險喔?????? #愛食鍋麻辣鴛鴦鍋 #特選五花牛 #特選五花豬 #豪華海鮮拼盤 #丸子拼盤 #滷水大腸 #牛奶熊熊磚 #阿NO推薦你必是好料理???

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Limited-time promotion

Sadly, the innovative promotion will only last till the end of this month although it’s not certain if the restaurant will extend it.

You can find the Ai Shi Guo hotpot restaurant at these locations in Taiwan:

Address: No. 297, Yucheng Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 813
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 5.30pm-1.30am | Sat-Sun: 11.30-1.30am
Nearest metro: Kaohsiung Arena Station

Address: No. 252, Xintian Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 801
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 5.30pm-1.30am | Sat-Sun: 11.30-1.30am 
Nearest metro: 
Central Park Station

Address: No. 57, Dadung 20th Street, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 40758
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 5.30pm-1.30am | Sat-Sun: 11.30-1.30am

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