HydroDash is S’pore first-ever Inflatable Water Park to open in Sentosa’s Palawan Beach

S’pore’s largest inflatable water park now open in Sentosa

While most of us are stuck in Singapore during this pandemic year, there’s no stopping us from having fun in the sun, sand and sea in Sentosa.

What’s more, there’s a new attraction on the island of fun.

HydroDash Singapore

The new HydroDash attraction in Sentosa is Singapore’s first-of-its-kind aqua park with inflatables that make up a floating obstacle course located in the waters in Palawan Beach.

The inflatables are manufactured by Wibit and are known for launching water parks around the world including countries in Europe, UK, Dubai and Indonesia.

They have also gone into the Guinness World Records for building the largest inflatable aqua park in Bali, Indonesia.


Now in Sentosa

There’s no need to wait to travel to these countries anymore – a similar aqua park has just opened in Sentosa.

The inflatable playground by the beach operates daily and is a giant obstacle course.

There will be lifeguards on standby and everyone will be required to wear a life vest for safety purposes.

Won’t be a problem even if you can’t swim.

Ticket Prices

Tickets are priced at $10 for kids 5 to 8 years and $18 per ticket for anyone above 9 years. The ticket lets you access HydroDash for 2 hours.

There’s also a discount pricing of $60 when you visit them in a group of 4 ($15 per pax).

Do note there are some terms and conditions to take note:

HydroDash Singapore