Sakae Sushi offering 1-FOR-1 Salmon Sashimi from this online deal means you pay only $0.80 per piece

Get the cheapest salmon sashimi in the heartlands with this Sakae Sushi online deal

Japanese food lovers, here’s a sashimi promotion that’s totally worth your money.

1-for-1 Salmon Sashimi

For a limited period, Sakae Sushi is offering 1-for-1 salmon sashimi with discount platform Fave Singapore. With the online deal, you pay only $6.39 for 2 plates of salmon sashimi.

That’s a total of 8 slices of fresh salmon sashimi, which means you pay around $0.80 per slice.

What’s more, you can redeem up to 3 vouchers per table, which means you can enjoy as many as 24 slices in one sitting.


Confirm worth it.

Buy now, redeem later

You can even save it for later when you buy now since you can redeem it anytime from now till 20 November later this year.

Plus, redeem it at any Sakae Sushi outlets in Singapore:

There’s more…

Besides salmon sashimi, there are other Sakae Sushi deals on Fave including 1-for-1 Sakoshi Bay Fresh Oyster at $4.50, 3 cans of Kirin Beer for $9.99 and 1-for-1 Bubble Milk Tea.

Not bad.

Buy from Fave Singapore