Pizza Hut S’pore launches Bubble Tea Pizza loaded with real Boba Pearls, Marshmallows & Brown Sugar Sauce

Pizza Hut’s new Bubble Tea Blossom Pizza has boba pearls and bubble tea sauce

Love pizza and bubble tea? Now you can have the best of both worlds.

Bubble Tea Blossom Pizza

Believe it or not, Pizza Hut Singapore has just launched a new Bubble Tea Blossom Pizza and as the name suggests, it is inspired by Singaporean’s love for bubble tea drinks and it even comes with ingredients found in bubble tea.

Such as boba pearls, marshmallows and brown sugar bubble tea sauce.

Yes, bubble tea sauce.

According to Pizza Hut’s intro video description on YouTube, it even has “a brushing of cheese“, whatever that means.

50% Off Pizza Promotion

Love at first bite? We are not so sure about that, but as with most quirky food creations, looks can be deceiving and luckily for us or not, Pizza Hut is also offering a promotion for a limited time – 50% off for 2 pizzas for delivery, and 1 pizza for takeaway.

What’s more, the promotion applies to all pizza flavours including the new Bubble Tea Blossom Pizza, Mala Blossom Pizza and Hawaiian Blossom Pizza.

These Blossom series of pizzas are likely only available for a limited period so this might be your only chance to try a real bubble tea pizza.