SAFRA members pay only $1 for 100g of Famous Amos Cookies till Apr 30, choose from any flavours

Pay only $1 for a 100g bag of Famous Amous cookies with SAFRA membership this month

Love Famous Amos cookies? Believe it or not, here’s a way to get a bag of them for a dollar.

SAFRA $1 Treat Promotion

Available from now till 30 April, simply fire your mSAFRA mobile app and you will find a Famous Amos deal that lets you redeem 100g of cookies in any flavour for only $1.

Yes, one dollar only.

Confirm worth it.

What’s more, the special treat is available for redemption at all Famous Amos outlets islandwide.

Choose from bestselling flavours including Chocolate Chip & Pecan, Double Chocolate Chip & Pecan, Macadamia and many more.


How to redeem?

To enjoy the $1 treat, simply follow these steps:

However, do note the deal is limited to the first 5,000 redemptions at all Famous Amos outlets, while cookies last.

Famous Amos Outlets

You can find Famous Amos at these locations in Singapore:

Get the latest $1 treats sent directly to your mobile device via Telegram: