Popular Japanese superhero Ultraman turns 55 this year and has become the gold standard of Tokusatsu television, loved by fans across generations around the world.
There’s even a commemorative video showing how far Ultraman has come since its first episode in 1966.
Ultraman x UNIQLO UT Collection
To celebrate Ultraman’s 55th anniversary, UNIQLO Singapore launched a new UT collection with a selection of men’s and kids t-shirt designs featuring the original Ultraman and the Kaiju (monsters).
Here’s a quick peek at the designs available.
Adult Designs
Kids Designs
Kids t-shirts get somewhat different designs so you can mix and match your family wear.
So nice.
Adult t-shirts are priced at $19.90 each while kids at $14.90 each, while stocks and sizes last.
You can find them in UNIQLO stores islandwide and online here.