California-famous ice cream made with Animal-Free Dairy available in S’pore, has 6 flavours to choose from

New Coolhaus ice cream made using animal-free milk now available in S’pore supermarkets

Love ice cream but lactose intolerant? Here’s a new ice cream brand in town to try.

Coolhaus x Perfect Day ice cream

Queer-founded ice cream brand Coolhaus from California that combines food with architecture has just landed in Singapore, offering 6 delicious flavours that are made with planet-friendly, lactose and animal-free dairy from Perfect Day.

The flavours include:

These first-of-its-kind ice cream uses animal-free milk protein that is made by microflora (not cows) and produces 97% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional dairy protein.

What’s more, the greener milk protein is also lactose free, cholesterol free, hormone and antibiotic free.

According to Coolhaus, the animal-free milk protein is identical to what you find in traditional milk.

Bet you can’t wait to try it now.

Major supermarkets

Coolhaus ice cream is now available at most major supermarkets and online grocers including FairPrice, Cold Storage, Giant Hypermarket and Redmart, priced at $13.95 per pint.

Diners at Privé can also enjoy the Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie made with Coolhaus ice cream for $15.50.

Very cool indeed.

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